
  Filip Caeldries is a professor of strategy and organization at TIAS School for Business and Society at Tilburg University in the Netherlands。 As a leading European figure in the field of corporate strategy and change, Filip also has vast and rich experience in the business world。










  David: Professor, you know China very well and especially Tianjin。 You have contributed already to the World Intelligence Congress。 Today, I have two questions for you, short but difficult questions。 Number one, professor, we live in a world in which technological changes are everywhere, but what are, in your mind, the tech changes which really matter?

  Filip: Indeed, it is a bit difficult, but also at the same time, an easy question, David。 I think we are all looking at the same technologies, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality。 You can add autonomous driving to that。 I don‘t think that’s in and of itself very surprising。

  But what I‘m really interested in is how all these different technologies are at present merging into something that we’ve been referring to as Ambient Intelligence。 The metaphor I always like to use is that with ambient music, ambient music is music it plays in the background, you really don‘t know that it’s there, but it creates a nice living atmosphere。 Exactly the same thing when all of these technologies, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, 5G, when they all start merging into this thing, which we call Ambient Intelligence, it‘s like computing and intelligence get woven into the fabric of everyday life, and it becomes indistinguishable from everyday life。

  David: Thank you very much。 This is a very interesting notion that we will have to think about – Ambient Intelligence。 Certainly, you will have a lot of this Ambient Intelligence within a smart city。 This is a topic that all the friends are going to discuss at the World Intelligence Congress。 Since you are an expert also on this issue, how would you define a smart city? Do you think it would make sense to define it as a green city plus a livable city?

  Filip: I think that these are definitely two major components of it。 But the way I‘ve always defined a smart city is that a smart city is an urban area where we use information and communication technology to create a better quality of life。

  So, it‘s really about mobilizing again technology, information communication technology, mobilizing technology to create a better quality of life。 Part of that better quality of life will indeed be the greening of our cities。 Again, with the presence of this Ambient Intelligence in the city, the city itself will be intelligent。 There will be intelligent garbage bins。 There will be intelligent light bulbs。 There will be intelligent buildings。 You will drive around with your intelligent car。 So again, the connectivity of all of these information and communication technologies, as they are mobilized in all of these devices, will create better quality of life。 We will avoid traffic jams。 As we avoid traffic jams, there is gonna be less pollution, less pollution in the city。 So, it’s a very easy connection I think to make between smart cities and green cities。

  David: Thank you very much, professor。 Certainly, we believe that the World Intelligence Congress will contribute to the making of this Ambient Intelligence。 I think that what you have said about the merging of different technologies, the way they connect, will introduce us to phenomenon of emergence, which will be very interesting to follow。 Thank you very much, professor。

  Filip: You are welcome。 Thank you。